Mersey Life March 2022 | Page 18



Hundreds of people lit up the streets of Liverpool at Alzheimer ’ s Society Glow to shine a light on dementia after dark . People across the generations put their best foot forward at the city ’ s iconic dockside dressed in neon and glitter to raise money for life-changing dementia support and research .
Marion Hinde ( 54 ) from Ellesmere Port and her husband Tom ( 60 ) who is living with young onset dementia joined the colourful wave of fundraisers uniting against dementia . Tom was diagnosed with young onset dementia in 2017 and had to retire from his job with the Royal Navy that had seen him travelling all over the world .
Marion said taking part in Saturday evening ’ s walk was a chance for them to meet other families affected by dementia and young onset dementia .
“ We ’ ve got great family and friends around us for support but they don ’ t fully understand what it ’ s like for us , so it was great to speak to people who do . Tom hasn ’ t had many chances to talk to people going through the same thing as him . He did used to attend a group for people living dementia but they were a lot older than him and it was upsetting for him to see them deteriorate .”
Before developing young onset dementia Tom ’ s job with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary took him everywhere from the Caribbean to South Africa . But his condition means that he can no longer drive and has lost confidence in going places alone .
“ It ’ s been very hard for Tom as his life has changed so much . He ’ s also diabetic and in the high risk group for covid , so during the pandemic I had to tell him he couldn ’ t take the bus as he wouldn ’ t remember to sanitise his hands or wear a facemask ,” said Marion , who is a medical secretary .
“ This has changed both our lives dramatically . It has knocked Tom ’ s confidence massively and where he used to be so independent , he now relies on me to care for him . I also care for my son who has a learning disability .”
Marion and Tom decided to take part in the Glow event to help raise money for Alzheimer ’ s Society who have supported them throughout their dementia journey .
“ We couldn ’ t have got through this time without the one-to-one support we received from Alzheimer ’ s Society . The charity has helped us through the journey from diagnosis and supported us through the hard time ,” said Marion .
" Tom uses the online forum Talking Point which has helped restore his confident as it helps to know he is not the only one going through this awful disease . We have never felt alone through our journey as Alzheimer ' s Society are always there at the end of the phone to discuss any issues we had ."
Those taking part in Saturday ’ s event completed a 5km route route around Liverpool ’ s dockside .
The fundraisers stepped out to stop dementia in its tracks after a devastating period for those living with the disease . People with dementia have been worst hit during Covid 19 and Alzheimer ’ s Society ’ s services , including the Dementia Connect support line , have been used more than six million times since the start of the pandemic . Two years on , Alzheimer ’ s Society continues to be flooded with calls from people seeking vital support for their loved ones .
Steve Green , Alzheimer ’ s Society Area Manager for Merseyside said : “ After a devastating two years for people affected by dementia , we are in awe of the hundreds of people from across Merseyside who banded together to improve the lives of people living with the condition . Nobody should have to face dementia alone without adequate support , and it is only with the generous help of our fundraisers that Alzheimer ’ s Society can carry out its urgent work to be there for those who need it most .
" Every pound raised through Glow will help Alzheimer ’ s Society provide vital information and support , improve care , fund research and create lasting change for people affected by the condition . I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has taken a step towards creating a brighter future for people with dementia and helped make this year ’ s Glow event such a brilliant success .”
To find out more about Alzheimer ’ s Society ’ s fundraising events , go to www . alzheimers . org . uk / fundraising .
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