By Charlotte Forde
Okay so there is no quick fix and while it ’ s not possible to make significant long-term changes without making consistent changes to your daily lifestyle there are some things that you can do to help you on your way as we start the new year without changing your diet or exercise habits too much .
Eat more protein Eating enough protein is one of the most important things to do when trying to lose weight . Eating more protein can satisfy hunger for a longer duration than a diet which is higher in fats or carbohydrates , as it takes longer to digest which in turn makes you fuller for longer and can prevent snacking . If you are weight training , protein can also assist in post-workout recovery .
Reduce sugar intake Reducing your sugar intake can be one of the most effective ways to lose weight without making major lifestyle changes . By restricting the amount of high sugar foods you consume you should see a difference in your body shape , try substituting these with a healthy alternative .
Eat fibre-rich foods Similar to eating more protein , a high-fibre diet can have a positive effect on reducing your appetite for a longer duration than those of fat and carbohydrates . Fibre can also help improve digestion , lower the risk of heart disease , stroke , type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer . High fibre foods include : Beans , Lentils , Berries , Whole grains , Dried Fruit , Nuts and seeds
Cook more meals at home This can seem easier said than done however with the help of recipe box subscriptions and access to free recipes in supermarkets and online it can not only expand your culinary skills but also be an easier way to count your calorie intake . When eating out there is not always a way of knowing what ingredients have been used so cooking at home may encourage a healthier diet .
Monitor your sleep pattern With multiple disruptions to daily life it ’ s easy to see why some of us have experienced lack of sleep recently but when looking to lead a healthy lifestyle , a regular sleep pattern should be a priority . Quality sleep can help avoid the risk of weight gain , having a consistent routine can regulate your hunger hormones and increase energy levels .
Make simple food swaps An easy way to incorporate a healthier way of eating into your daily life in the long term , savvy food swaps are the way forward and sometimes can go unnoticed . This could include something as simple as swapping regular potatoes for root vegetables which could stabilize blood sugar levels and widen your range of nutrients ; to switching white rice for quinoa to help increase your protein and fibre intake ; you could even see health benefits by changing the oil that you cook with .
Increase your water intake The benefits of drinking water are widely known but often forgotten about especially when it comes down to weight loss . Water can reduce hunger levels making it an excellent appetite suppressant , you may find that most of the time when you feel hungry you will often just be thirsty .
Consistent eating patterns I think it ’ s fair to say that consistency is key when it comes to changing daily habits and while intermittent fasting isn ’ t for everyone , maintaining a regular eating schedule or targeted eating tends to increase weight loss as you will tend to eat less when you limit your intake to a certain period of time , it can also influence the food that you eat .
Prepare your meals Meal planning is a classic technique to control portion size and increase nutrient intake . This doesn ' t necessarily mean that you have to buy these ready-made meals in advance ; it could be as simple as planning your meals ahead so you know what you ’ re eating then cook them fresh on the day or batch cooking one specific meal or make a variety of meals to split and store them for when you need them . Meal preparation can also save time and money and reduce wasted food and the stress of time restricted cooking .
Avoid stress Another method that can be easier said than done but stress can have a detrimental effect on our health . It can impact our breathing capacity , brain function , muscle growth and enable excessive weight gain as well as restrict weight loss . Our body metabolises slower under stress and it can increase insulin levels which may increase the risk of obesity , type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease . Stress management practice can transform how you react and respond to stressful situations but this will be specific to each individual .
Practice intuitive eating One way to ensure that you ’ re not eating out of boredom or emotion is to practice intuitive eating . Many of us are prone to snacking throughout the day or after meals mainly because it is accessible rather than us being hungry or due to us feeling stressed or upset . When eating intuitively you are more likely to have a healthier physiological attitude and to practice overall healthier behaviours .
One change at a time Every new year millions of people decide that they want to change their lives in one way or another , traditionally most people give up these resolutions by February . If you can focus on one goal and break it down into smaller more achievable goals then you are more likely to stick to it and achieve it .
Don ’ t worry about setbacks It is almost inevitable that you may have setbacks when making lifestyle changes but by pushing on through these challenges can determine your success ; don ’ t let one bad day impact your accomplishments .
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