" Breast Enlargement can be achieved using fat transfer and / or breast implants ."
Breast augmentation surgery is usually carried out under general anaesthetic and will normally require a one-night stay in hospital . There is scarring from the cuts performed during this procedure , but they are usually out of sight along the breast crease and kept to a minimum . I use drains overnight ; however in a very small number of patients they may stay longer .
You will need to wear a sports bra without a wire to support your breasts for up to six weeks after your operation . A recovery period at home and from work is required , which is usually in the region of 2-3 weeks . I advise my patients to refrain from driving for a period of 2 weeks when undergoing augmentation with round implants and 3 weeks if they have tear drop implants .
The breasts are likely to be swollen for up to 3 months ; their shape will continue to improve and becomes more natural as time goes on . As a result I advise my patients not to shop for new swimwear and lingerie until following that period of time . The majority of patients require painkiller tablets for the first few days following surgery to control the pain . The satisfaction following this surgery tends to be high .
To contact Ali Juma , call 0151 230 1648 .