Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 74

Standing up for victim-survivors at The Walk Against Violence
Merri Health joined people across the globe to support the 16 Days of Activism initiative that encourages individuals , communities and organisations to address gender inequalities , gender-based violence and take action to prevent violence before it starts .
We united with hundreds of people to raise awareness and walk in solidarity with victimsurvivors of gender-based violence at the 14th Annual Walk Against Family Violence .
“ We all need to be leaders and stand up for change to eliminate gender-based violence .”
– Carolyn Wallace , Former General Manager Family and Community
Staff joined The Walk Against Violence to end gender-based violence .
Supporting victims of violent crime
For 20 years , our Victims Assistance Program ( VAP ) has offered free support to people who have experienced a violent crime .
We have helped them cope with the effects of a crime , explained ‘ legal talk ’, provided practical assistance and connected them with the right services .
Unfortunately , funding changes following a re-tendering process resulted in Merri ’ s VAP services ceasing at the end of the financial year .
VAP has been an exceptionally valued program providing critical support and high-quality services to clients across the Hume and Northern Metropolitan Regions .
What did we achieve ?
exceeded set targets for numbers of clients from diverse backgrounds :
– Northern team exceeded their target by an average of 51 %
– Hume team exceeded their target by an average of 49 %
– resulting in more than half of victims serviced by the program being from a diverse background
72 Advocacy and support for at-risk communities