Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 56


We promote healthy ageing in our communities through services that strengthen wellbeing , choice , independence and social connection .
Improving quality and safety of aged care services
We are committed to providing high quality aged care services to our community .
This year we have focused on supporting consumers at home , post-pandemic transitions , using technology to support quality aged care , and incorporating more sustainable services .
Ensuring we remain compliant with changing aged care regulations and Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety ( the Commission ) recommendations was also a priority and we implemented a range of initiatives in response .
What did we achieve ?
implemented Serious Incident Response Scheme ( SIRS ) and reported 16 incidents , demonstrating our commitment to quality improvement and transparency , as only 25 % of providers made a report . Of the incidents , 15 were from our Home Care Packages ( HCPs ) program , mostly due to missed shifts
supported clients to actively participate in Merri Health ’ s Consumer Advisory Committee pilot
achieved 100 % staffing for our Social Support Programs , enabling the service to operate at capacity without wait times for consumers
96 % productivity level for filled positions in Aged Care Allied Health services , where high service demand continued
had input into multiple aged care industry consultations and completed a review of our intake processes
Where can we improve ?
workforce challenges worsened , with our vacancy rate for allied health and nursing increasing to 17 %. We are exploring initiatives to recruit and retain staff
the ongoing implementation of the Aged Care Reforms agenda is a challenge , due to changing timelines and priorities
What ’ s next ?
continuing our implementation of the Aged Care governance improvements
developing an Aged Care Advisory Group informed by Merri Health ’ s Consumer Advisory Pilot
improving our service model and preparing for the transition to Support at Home Program
implementing recommendations from the Aged Care Intake project
implementing a new client management system
Keeping older people connected
We support older people and people with dementia aged 65 years + ( and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 years +) to stay healthy , active and connected with community through enjoyable and meaningful Social Support Program ( SSP ) activities .
The client-focused activities support participants to use existing skills , learn new things and achieve personal goals .
A wellness theme recognises client capabilities and encourages their involvement in familiar recreational activities .
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