Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 55

Merri Health General Manager , Healthy Communities , Maryanne Tadic ( left ), Victorian Health Minister , Mary-Anne Thomas ( second from right ), Dental Health Services CEO , Susan McKee ( middle ) celebrated World Oral Health Day at Glenroy Central Primary School .
School kids get first-ever dental care with Smile Squad
This year , we celebrated a year delivering free Smile Squad dental care for students in Melbourne ’ s North , including many who saw a dentist for the first time .
This included 28 percent of children who signed up for Smile Squad services at Coburg North Primary School , who needed care for more significant dental issues .
Merri Health CEO Tassia Michaleas said , “ We ’ re proud to celebrate a year of bringing kids the dental care they deserve and need through Smile Squad . Early treatment and education help set children up for lifelong better oral health .”
Smile Squad is led by Dental Health Services Victoria and delivered by community dental agencies across the state .
At Glenroy Central Primary School , where over 70 percent of students signed up to receive Smile Squad care , 36 percent needed treatments for dental decay and required multiple sessions .
During COVID-19 restrictions some children were unable to access dental appointments , resulting in an increased risk of more serious dental problems .
“ We ’ re proud to celebrate a year of bringing kids the dental care they deserve and need through Smile Squad . Early treatment and education help set children up for lifelong better oral health .”
– Tassia Michaleas , Merri Health CEO
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