Piloting a Consumer Advisory Committee
This year we ran a seven-month pilot for a Consumer Advisory Committee ( CAC ). The CAC is a fundamental element of our Community Relationship Framework .
It aimed to create a formal mechanism in which consumer representatives could provide insights from their lived experience to help influence system change and enhance program design , planning , and evaluation , while also contributing to decision making at all levels .
The pilot completed in June 2023 and is currently being evaluated .
What did we achieve ?
7 projects referred to the CAC from 6 different teams , across
3 divisions
100 % of staff who referred a project said the CAC input provided value to their program and that they would refer another project to the CAC
10 consumers recruited to the CAC and involved throughout the pilot said they would like to remain on the CAC if it continues
What ’ s next ?
assessing the evaluation report and recommendations
Merri Health Consumer Advisory Committee members .
32 Partnering for prevention and better health