MER Today Spring 2017 MER Newsletter - May2017 | Page 9
been possible. For example, the team has sensors, actuators, drilling equipment and
developed in‐situ cavity survey systems other components used for communication.
which are embedded in underground Some of communication methods used are
extraction tools. Comprehensive solutions challenged with very low trans mission rates.
typically consist of electronics, embedded
sensors, electronic data communications,
mechanical housings and the field
deployment services. These technologies can
Industry needs pipeline communication to
be applied or combined with additional
Reliable and robust in different
technologies to improve other processes as Easy‐to‐use by operators
well. The end result is automated processes Relatively inexpensive
that are quicker and safer for operators. Capable of a high rate of transmission
Furthermore, information from the survey Effective over long distances (e.g.
system is made available for further analytics
and planning, improving overall mine
100’s of metres)
Simple in principle
While there are different methods that can
Mining companies face challenges of be used in pipeline communications, each
expanding their capabilities and managing method relies on different physical
costs, levels of productivity and safety issues phenomenon. For example, pipeline
in mining related activities. By researching, communication systems can utilize diffent
developing and demonstrating effective types of waves, such as electromagnetic or
technology solutions, SRC can help industry mechanical waves, but they can also use the
overcome these challenges and successfully fluid that flows through the pipe
improve and optimize mining operations.
SRC has been tasked to develop a
Pipeline communications occurs between communication method that will work in
two ends of a pipeline – on one end, there is underground mines and can be incorporated
an operator and on the other end there are into existing jet boring systems.
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