MENU dorset #01 | Page 36

PASTA These are classic flavours that make a versatile dish for a starter or main course, and you can always leave the crab mousse off for a simpler dish. Although I have a real love of making pasta, you don’t have to make your own. Pasta is something that I will be returning to in much more detail later on. Fish and shellfish are something that is abundant and of excellent quality in Dorset. I have used Samways Fish Merchants in Bridport for many years and they have a great fish shop in West Bay, as well as an online delivery service. All their fresh fish is sourced from West Country ports and prepared by their dedicated in-house team. Scallops, crab, lobster, bass, plaice, squid and brill are some of my favourites from local waters. FRESH EGG SPAGHETTI WITH CRAB CHILLI AND GARLIC {Serves four} 36 300g fresh egg spaghetti 1 small red chilli, minced 1 small clove garlic, sliced 1tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley 50ml white wine 100ml homemade veg stock 50g unsalted butter 100g fresh white crab meat, picked Extra virgin olive oil Lemon juice BROWN CRAB MOUSSE 100g sieved brown crabmeat 35g mayonnaise Lemon juice Worcester sauce Tabasco sauce Salt and black pepper 75g double cream and 10g milk, lightly whipped 1 leaf gelatine soaked in cold water, drained and dissolved in 1tbsp hot water To make the brown crab mousse Combine the crab with the mayonnaise and other seasoning ingredients and adjust to taste, spicy or mild! Just bear in mind that when you add the cream the flavour will become much softer. Add the dissolved gelatine to the crab mix, fold in the whipped cream and chill to set. This is best made a day ahead. This makes more than you need but keeps for 3-4 days and is great as a canapé or snack. To make the pasta Bring a large pot of water to the boil and salt heavily. While the water is boiling, take a large heavy bottomed sauté pan and sweat off the garlic and chilli in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Add the wine and reduce to a syrup, then add the stock and reduce again to approximately 75 ml. Whisk in the butter and set aside. Cook the pasta until al dente, add to the sauce and warm through. Finish by adding the white crab, parsley and a good glug of olive oil. Check the seasoning and adjust accordingly with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Divide between four pasta bowls and top each portion with a quenelle of the crab mousse. This melts fairly quickly so add at the last minute. SAUCE 200g veal trimmings 100ml red wine 2 sprigs of thyme Extra virgin olive oil To make the sauce In a heavy based pan with a little olive oil, colour the veal trimmings, taking them as dark as possible without burning. Keep scraping up the caramelised bits from the bottom of the pan to prevent burning. Deglaze with the red wine, again scraping the bottom of the pan well. Allow the wine to reduce to a syrup and then add the thyme. Cover with water and bring to a simmer. Skim well and cook for one hour. Pass through a fine sieve into a clean pan, pressing well on the solids. Reduce to around 100ml of liquid. Season to taste and if necessary thicken lightly with cornflour. To make the casserole Sweat the shallot and garlic in olive oil until softened but not coloured. A pinch of salt will help. Add the wine and reduce to a syrup, then add the veg stock and reduce by a third. Add the cooked beans and warm through. Season with Maldon salt