MENU dorset #01 | Page 35

APPLE AND CHEESE MUFFINS {Makes approx 40 mini muffins} 70g honey 140g light extra virgin olive oil 75g cream 25g milk 2 whole duck eggs 1 tsp Dijon mustard 200g self raising flour 100g fine semolina 10g fine ground Maldon sea salt 10g baking powder 100g finely grated strong cheese, a cheddar or similar. 1 large acidic apple grated, a large Granny Smith or small Bramley In a bowl, mix all the wet ingredients including the grated apple. Sift all the dry ingredients together and, using a whisk, combine them well. Fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix thoroughly. Fill mini muffin cases or silicone moulds with the mix and bake at 160ºc for around 8 mins until risen, golden and firm. VEAL This dish was a signature dish on the Sienna menu for several years and uses rose veal from local producer Jurassic Coast Meats. This product is nothing like the white crated veal of old; the rearing methods are welfare-friendly and the calves all come from local dairy farms. The meat is more akin to beef in texture and benefits from being cooked medium rare as it is very lean. All the elements can be prepared in advance and lamb rump would be a good substitute for veal. 35 CHARGRILLED VEAL RUMP WITH WHITE BEAN CASSEROLE {Serves four} 4 x 120g portions of English Rose veal, from a rump that has been seam-butchered and cut into chunks 20g butter for cooking veal CASSEROLE 1 shallot sliced 1 clove garlic sliced 75ml white wine 200ml fresh vegetable stock 250g cooked white beans (beans sold in jars are ideal) 50ml light olive oil, preferably Arbequina 1tbs chopped flat parsley PICKLED CARROTS 2 large carrots, cut into a fine julienne approximately 8cm long Juice of 1 orange 40g cava vinegar or white wine vinegar 40g fresh vegetable stock 1g Maldon sea salt 2g mustard seeds 10g caster sugar 20g light olive oil, preferably Arbequina »