Title of the section
DEpression is a serious mental illness, this can be seen among men and women of all ages and races. Depression is a dysregulation of the brain function that controls emotions or moods. It is a mood disorder by intense and persistent negativ emotion.Thesemotionsnegatively impact a persons life through social, edicational, personal and family difficulties.
Depression is common among women and young adults beginnin as early as teen years or early adulthood. This can happen as a reult of genetics, if this illness is common among family members. Depression can also develop as a result of a major stressor, such as a relationship breakup or significant trauma such as death, abuse or neglect.
Depression symptoms can be seen through any of the following, mood, thinking, and body sensations. Mood changes can be seen through feeling persistently depresses, sad, unhappy or guilty. Feeling a loss of pleasure of noticable disinterest in all or most acticities is a common symptom as well. Thinking can be
seen through a diminished ability to think, concentrate or make decisions.
Can also be seen through a preoccupation with death. Body Sensations are
seen through excessive fatigue or loss of energy. Significant sleep problems
or physical slowness can also be
signs of depression.
Depression and all mental
illnesses should be diagnosed and
treated by a trained proessional,
such as a psychologist or a therapish.