Mental Health Monthly 1 | Seite 2


Teen Depression

Do you ever wonder if the unhappiness you're feeling may actually be teen depression?

Many teens feel unhappy but when does that feeling become a serious mental illness? During this time in your life you are undergoing a lot of changes in your body. Your hormones are ofoten the cause of mood swings and other emotional issues you may have. Yet, findings show that one out of every eight adolescents has teen depression. It isn't fair to yourself to dismiss any feeling you may have as "just being a teenager", take what you are feeling seriously.

Warning Signs of Teen Depression

Someone who is becomging depressed or is already suffering from depression may exhibit the following warning signs that the National Institute of mental health states are signs of clinical depression.

-Difficulty making decision or concentrating


-Decreased energy

-Feelings of worthlessness


-Changes in eating habits


Often adolescents will show some of these symptons when depressed but which symptoms depends entirly on the individual.

How do you get treated for depression?

There are no scans to diagnose depression, you physician will simply do an assesment. The two most common paths taken for treatment include medications and therapy. Therapy is often the most helpful route.