Mental Fitness Magazine Volume 1 | Page 2

(PUBLISHER ( PUBLISHER’S CORNER I ( THINK WE ALL AGREE THAT A SUCCESSFUL LIFE IS A LIFE LIVED FULLY. Defining what success means to YOU, is essential to the journey to a happy and fulfilled life. Completing the sentence: I feel successful when…or I know I am successful when…on a piece of paper several times will generally bring out what’s most important to you. It’s a very powerful exercise. I wonder, have you ever pondered on the fact that there is no one in the world that is exactly like you? That there is not a single thumbprint or iris like yours? Never has been and never will be? What a miracle! Recognizing that you are “One of a Kind” brings with it a tremendous opportunity or maybe even responsibility to make the very best with the life and body you have been given and to examine the possibilities with introspection, confidence, sense of purpose and curiosity. It might re-orient your approach to life and help you reach levels of personal and professional excellence and mastery you never thought possible. Along the way you discover not only your untapped potential but also the internal and external barriers that are holding you back or impeding your growth. Our uniqueness is a cause to celebrate who we are and to spend time reflecting on what this could mean to us. It could mean that we could safely start to love ourselves, which will lead to practicing self-care, extending our boundaries and developing a healthy dose of self-esteem. A human being does not come with an owner’s manual, like our cars, appliances and gadgets. That means taking ownership and enhancing our understanding and expanding our knowledge about what we are all about, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I’d like to welcome you whole-heartedly to the first issue of Mental Fitness Magazine™. The magazine is all about YOU! Presenting you with features ranging from mental health trends to taboo topics, scientific research findings to practical wellness techniques, and interviews with internationally renowned authors and medical practitioners to personal stories of survival. It is our intent to provide you with tools and insights on making life easier, less stressful and awaken you to the fact that a successful life is a life lived fully. Mentally Fit! ( Defining what success means to YOU, is essential to the journey to a happy and fulfilled life. BOOK C ’S ‘TAP’ TO B LU UTE Ute Lawrence CHECK OUT THE ‘MUST READS’ AND JOIN OUR DISCUSSION GROUP P.S. To add value to your journey to mental fitness we have created “Ute’s Book Club” a forum for discussion and dialogue. Please accept my invitation to join.