Getting a new hair style
Took a look in your beautiful mirror and think that it is time for change your
boarding hairstyle for a new and impressive look.
In my opinion is too boarding that since you where little you still have the
same haircut ever and that is bad because the form of your face change
during time and that typical haircut you have is not good you look like a little
baby and what we want is to look more attractive, masculine and too look
younger but with class.
In life its important to change ideas because with that you learn many things,
it is funny to make something different on you and if you don’t like your new
haircut don’t worry your hair will grow back but I’m sure that if you chose a
good option you will be happy as a boy in his first kiss.
According to Robert Baker from, in his article called
“Factors To Consider When Picking a New Men’s hairstyle” on 20th April
2011, “It’s recognized that there are different face shapes, although the most
common for men is a square face.”
To have a good haircut you need creativity and imagination.
It is important to choose styles that are going to look great in your hair you
cant talk of that with your stylist; he is going to give you good advices
If you want hair stronger you need to use the write products like shampoos
and gel for men´s not for woman.
from, in his article called “How
Important Is a Guy's Hair?” on January 31
2009 4:29 PM, “Nearly 74% of girls agree
that hair is one of the first things they notice
about a guy
90% of girls admit they are at least somewhat
likely to go out with a guy if he has good hair
80% of girls wish guys would wash their hair
more often (86% of guys say they wash their
hair often enough)
72% of girls think guys do not know how to
style their hair to its full potential (85% of
guys think their hair is pretty good)
63% of girls say that guys with bad hair don't
understand that their hair makes a negative
impression on girls
29% of guys think hair is very important when
it comes to attracting a girl
58% of guys don't worry that their hair will
hurt their chances of attracting a girl.
Nearly 90% of girls agree that hard/crusty/over-gelled hair turns them off.”