Have you ever question that, getting shaved, getting a new hairstyle and
getting new clothes can change your life?
Believe it or not it’s true. Picking a new men’s look can change your daily life
such as your job, self-estimate, health and image. Take a clearly look on what
I am going to tell you write now because you are about to have a great image
and style.
Getting Shaved
According to Duncan Copeland from fashionbeans.com, in his article called
“Men´s grooming: maintaining stubble” on 30th of January 2013, “If uncared
for, stubble can make you look rough or haggard – but equally it has the
ability to transform a smooth baby face into something far more masculine
and handsome.”
So this is true a new shaved can make you more awesome, masculine and
with that you get Physical attraction but stubble its one of the things that
requires effort.
1. . If you are not prepared for maintaining your long hair with form don’t
do it.
2. . You need to be very clean
3. You cannot make a form that look like baby face, remember I am giving
you this guide to be more masculine
All of this depends on how you react and how much you follow the rules.
1. Exfoliate
2. Shaving gel
3. Shaping
4. When you have all that steps get a good place to start and have a
natural and unique look.