Men's Exchange March, 2014 | Page 17

A COMPLETE GUIDE FOR MEN´S STYLE Have you ever question that, getting shaved, getting a new hairstyle and getting new clothes can change your life? Believe it or not it’s true. Picking a new men’s look can change your daily life such as your job, self-estimate, health and image. Take a clearly look on what I am going to tell you write now because you are about to have a great image and style. Getting Shaved According to Duncan Copeland from, in his article called “Men´s grooming: maintaining stubble” on 30th of January 2013, “If uncared for, stubble can make you look rough or haggard – but equally it has the ability to transform a smooth baby face into something far more masculine and handsome.” So this is true a new shaved can make you more awesome, masculine and with that you get Physical attraction but stubble its one of the things that requires effort. Rules: 1. . If you are not prepared for maintaining your long hair with form don’t do it. 2. . You need to be very clean 3. You cannot make a form that look like baby face, remember I am giving you this guide to be more masculine All of this depends on how you react and how much you follow the rules. Steps: 1. Exfoliate 2. Shaving gel 3. Shaping 4. When you have all that steps get a good place to start and have a natural and unique look.