Q: How many heartbreaks have you had?
A: It's fair to say my heart is broken by someone everyday.
Q: What's your biggest heartbreak?
A: My heart is constantly being “broken” in a sense, I've never been heartbroken from the ending of a relationship, but from the constant troubles that relationships bring me. I feel as though I’m out of touch when it comes to dealing with girls, they make me forgot how to use my brain, so then I end up fucking it up, every time.
Q: How did you cope?
A: I learn to cope with heartbreak by essentially, escaping the possibility of it ever happening, at least for now. I know I’m in no position to be a boyfriend to anyone, to love anyone as much as I'd love to, when I’m still very focused on learning how to love myself and becoming comfortable with my thoughts and figuring out how to appropriately express my feelings to people. Although I recently found myself “falling in love," I, of course, fucked it up. I couldn’t help to be nothing but cruel to myself and that's when I realized I wasn’t ready to be with anyone.
Q: What did you learn?
A: As I constantly find myself in these heartbreaking situations, I learned to spot out when I begin to feel uncomfortable and that's when I usually decide to withdraw. I feel no need to to explain these feelings of uneasiness to myself when it comes to these situations. Whens something doesn't feel right, you just know. With that said, if I don’t feel right about my significant other, I'll take that as a hint to move on.
Q: Anything to add?
A: Love, to me is not something you can explain. It is different for everyone else. To me, love is this thing that keeps you on your toes, it makes everything look brighter, it makes the sun warmer, it makes your smile finally feel real. Love is something I have only had a small sample of, and just that bit was enough to make me the happiest I've been in a while. Love is what makes humans grow united. Love is something I will always envy. Love is beautiful. Love will forever be incomprehensible.
This was the original set of questions that I sent out. After receiving responses in other forms, I realized people want to talk about their heartbreaks on their own terms.