Melange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine July 2020 | Page 133
cutlery, reusable grocery bags,
toothbrushes, grocery store
fruit bags; lots of different items
to try to get people to see that
there are other options. We
are also trying to buy items for
our giveaways from a few local
companies which have already
started bringing in eco-friendly
products; as well as spotlighting
local people, groups and
companies who are joining
in our initiative or are doing
something else eco- friendly onisland.”
In an attempt to raise awareness
on the island about the
importance of recycling and
the need to be environmentally
conscious, members of the Eco
Montserrat team has shared on
the local radio station on a few
occasions, helped Girl Scouts
with a trash and glass recycling
clean-up by the beach and
spoken in a few class rooms.
They give regular updates on
their social media accounts, and
in general, because it is a small
island, they speak to people
around town when they are out
and about.