MEGAzine 1 | Page 3

Letters From Editors

It was very grueling but worthy work. It took all of us a lot of time and hard work of publishing our first volume of MEGAzine. I hope you, readers enjoy reading this magnificent magazine about exploration and we will try our best to publish a magazine full of decent information in traveling and exploring.

-Seong-Ji Lee -

I'm very glad to publish our MEGAzine. This activity makes us all-in-one. I hope that you can enjoy it very well. Okay guys! Let's start to read our MEGAzine! ^6^

-JeaKwang Sung-

I can't wait you to read our first MEGAzine! I'm sure you would be satisfied with all the materials about exploring we've talked about. I hope you have wonderful time exploring our MEGAzine with us!

Yours truly,

Heewon Cho

It's my pleasure!

Thank you for reading .:)

I'm afraid that the MEGAzine will not have next editon ToT

-Dong Hyun Lee-

Whenever you want somthing special about your life through travelling, we will be there for you.

Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours.

-Esther. sunha yoon-