Mega Artists Magazine 1 | Page 24

MEGA ARTIST Issue no: 01 Can you please close our women’s month issue with a quote for all the women out there. This is by Coco Chanel: “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. (I guess this is a little like what I do with my paintings.) What motivational words can you give to all visual artists reading this now?. If you love doing art, just do art as much as you can, look at other art, artists, art galleries, art books, art on the net and do,do,do art. “All the artworks were inspired by my desire to reflect and comment on true - life sociopolitico-economo-events or incidences (eg. Marikana), situations (eg. an SADC committee meeting, or poor women) and leaders in South Africa (Zuma being a major muse, whose photo is frequently in the press, so lots of material to work with, hehe). Recurring symbols is/are the teapot, the banana, the elephant. Symbols which I have tried to apply to explore and express absurdity, danger and power. Most of the works take many hours, some of them days and weeks. All the works are mixed media collage and acrylic paint and vanish on canvas, framed by myself in a thin frame that creates a white - line border around the work.” August 2014 Page 22