from newspapers - I don’t actually invent too much, what I
add is associations and humour, so even if it’s a very heavy
story, there’s a dash of laughter, if we can’t laugh at
ourselves, laugh at our politicians, then surely life is just too
damn heavy all the time. Also, I have never yet exposed the
genitalia of anyone - just doesn’t interest me nearly as much
as their faces/heads and hand! Every so now and then I try
and be a simple decorative artist - I fail everytime, as the
satirical real-life incidences and personalities come
creeping back in to be commented on! I am not very well
known and not showing my works in very well known
galleries - that alone may ‘protect’ me from some crazed
politician becoming offended at one of my works, I’m wary,
but I’m not going to not show at every opportunity I get. I
will take my chances and continue to be honest to my own
brand of art/humour.
How can ART be used as a revolutionary
tool in the society?
It may be useful if we could ‘KLAP’ dumb people and most
politicians over the head with art and wake them up forever.
The best revolution we could use art for is for awareness
and healing therapy, people are traumatised, anxious,
despondent, angry, frustrated, art can help people achieve
creative solution seeking to achieve some inner
peace/glow/satisfaction. We need more healing than we
need so called ‘revolution’. Art in every school, in every
class from pre-school to Matric, that would be the most
bestest revolutionary tool of all!
What is a revolutionary artist according to
Hmm..someone who uses unusual materials / content
/expression and / or someone who puts important messages
into his/her art that help awaken awareness on big
social/political/economic issues.
You were in Limpopo for quite a while, how
is the artistic atmosphere around those
Art is everywhere; artists are everywhere; but they are
starved/starving, so growth and development is not
happening, only ‘survivalism’ is. The
province/Government seems utterly unable to understand
the importance or significance of the arts and utterly unable
to implement anything that has helped change
people/artists lives for the better. In all honesty I found
myself telling people to leave Limpopo if they wanted to
pursue their arts - to return once they have made it
elsewhere - then Limpopo will recognise them.
Do you think government is responsible for
the growth or reduction of Art in South
Issue no: 01
their arts. Government is responsible for government events that
have almost nothing to do with the development of the arts - there
is no connect between what artists do and need and what
government does and provides, so yes, government is responsible
for obstruction of art.
How can government improve in making ART
accessible to the people and the world ?
Put money in to regional arts hubs that are well run an