IMEX 2013 07
and biotechnology ), Technology and Innovation ( from mechanical engineering and IT to micro-electronics and nano-technology ), Energy and Environment as well as Financial Services .
A cartographic overview shows the distribution of the key industries throughout Germany with the aid of a map of Germany and six individual industry-specific maps . Background information about the individual industries supplements the visual presentation . Thus , the publication provides assistance in compact form for national and international event planners seeking locations where the environment is thematically related to their planned event .
Additional information and a list of all exhibitors at Germany ’ s stand can be found at www . imex-frankfurt . de / whatson / exhibitorsearch . html
n IMEX 2013 − Overview
Where ? Messe Frankfurt , Hall 8
www . germany-meetings . com
When ? May 21 st -23 rd , 2013 Opening hours : Tuesday , May 21 st from 10.00 a . m . to 5.30 p . m . Wednesday , May 22 nd from 10.00 a . m . to 5.30 p . m . Thursday , May 23 rd from 10.00 a . m . to 4.30 p . m .
Germany . Expertise .
Industry focus according to state and region . n Compact assistance for industry-specific event planning
The marketing organisation of the German event industry will present the new publication “ Germany . Expertise .”, which has just been released , to international professional audiences for the first time at IMEX . The brochure was developed by the GCB in cooperation with experts : in six areas German cities and regions offer valuable contacts or thematically appropriate social programmes for events : Medicine and Healthcare ( including the areas of medical technology and healthcare management ), Transport and Logistics ( including automotive manufacturing , traffic system technology , aviation and aerospace ), Chemical and Pharmaceutical ( including disciplines such as life sciences
Who ?
Roughly 9,000 trade visitors , approx . 4,000 of which as hosted buyers from 70 countries Roughly 3,500 exhibitors from over 150 countries
Ancillary programme : Over 100 continuing training events and forums as well as New Vision initiatives . The comprehensive programme for visitors and exhibitors includes :
n■ over 100 continuing training events and forums as well as New Vision initiatives and theme pavilions
co-operation with Meetings Mindset ®, a company that has dedicated itself to the mission of optimising events . The services of Meetings Mindset ® are part of the IMEX continuing training programme , which is the most extensive ever
n ■ “ Hot Topic Campfires ”: 30-minute intensive sessions . Experts offer important basic knowledge about business practices in the event industry for small groups of ten to twelve people n■
Exclusively Corporate @ IMEX is a new option as of 2013 – a made-to-measure networking and continuing training programme for event planners from companies
Admission free of charge , registration online at www . imex-frankfurt . com