Meetings made in Germany 1-2013 | Page 13

Pleased to meet you

Experience the best meeting location right at Frankfurt International Airport along with more than 35 years of first class experience in hospitality and event management .
Congress Center : Space for up to 1,200 people . It offers an area of 1,250 m ², a ceiling height of up to 5.80 m and a foyer with about 750 m ².
Meeting rooms : 43 modern and flexible rooms for 6 to 350 people 10 board rooms for small meetings up to 6 people
1008 rooms and suites
Club and Towers floors with exclusive Club Lounge
2 restaurants , café , Link @ Sheraton , bar and smokers lounge
Sheraton Fitness with sauna and steam bath
SkyLoft : Event center on two floors for up to 250 people .
Airport / Terminal 1 , Hugo-Eckener-Ring 15 , 60549 Frankfurt , Germany T - + 49 ( 0 ) 69 6977.1250 , salesfrankfurt @ sheraton . com , sheratonfrankfurtairport . com