Meet Your Creator: Greenkill 2013 November, 2013 | Page 6

MEET YOUR CREATOR: APPRECIATING HASHEM’S GREAT OUTDOORS The cement remains in liquid form while inside the insect, but hardens immediately upon contact with the air A nother example of the indescribable wisdom that can be found in insects is the common louse. It cements its eggs to a human hair. This cement is so strong that it can be dissipated only by hot water.2 The cement is of a formula that allows it to remain liquid while inside the insect’s body, yet causes it to harden immediately upon contact with the air. This insect’s proboscis is provided with stylets (small knives) to cut into the host’s skin. Into the wound it injects a chemical that prevents the host’s blood from clotting, and therefore, t ??)??????????????????????????????????????=??????????????)????????????????????????????????e??????Q????????????????)???????()Q?????????????)?????????)Q????????????????????????()Q??????????????????????????^_^o^{^g^w?????????????????????????????)??????????????????????^?^W^?^S???????????????????^O^?^W^???^L???^`?^X??^?^{^D?^w?????????)??????????????????e????????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????5?????????????????????^?^{^D?^w?????????)??????????????????((?((?((0