Meet Your Creator: Greenkill 2013 November, 2013 | Page 4

MEET YOUR CREATOR: APPRECIATING HASHEM’S GREAT OUTDOORS I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT An equal opportunity for growth "?"?? ??? ?? ????? Trees are a vital part of our scenic vision that '? ??created for our pleasure I f we were to imagine the most stunning scenic view, it would probably include a few trees in it. Seeing the glimmering rays of the setting sun peek through the autumn trees is quite a magnificent scene to behold. Yet, not only can we appreciate a misty rain forest or palm trees swaying with a summer’s breeze, we often use the shade of trees to protect ourselves from the sun’s punishing heat. Each branch has equal ability to benefit from the sun’s light S itting against the strong and unwavering trunk of the tree, we have the ability to witness one of the wondrous and ingenious creations of '? .??While resting directly below the tree, look straight up. Recognize that each of the branches stemming from the trunk stretch out in every direction possible. In fact, there is not one branch that is directly above or below one another. Each branch has equal ability to benefit from the sun’s light. With '?’??s infinite wisdom, He created trees in such a wonderful manner so that each branch may draw life from the sun in a non-invasive and unified fashion.1 As the ? ?????teaches, "? ,"?? ???? ?? ?????Man is a tree of the field. In the same manner that '? ??created each branch in such a fashion in order to grow and benefit from the warmth of the sun, so too, we may say that He has also given each one of us equal opportunity to gain from His Light and create a close bond and everlasting connection to Him. 1 1