Meet Your Creator: Greenkill 2013 November, 2013 | Page 16

MEET YOUR CREATOR: APPRECIATING HASHEM’S GREAT OUTDOORS is automatically disposable, since it eventually disintegrates and vanishes, unlike man-made packaging which presents disposal difficulties. 9) The material of the packaging designed by '? ??is reusable, as it turns into fertilizer and soil. Only the ready-to-eat fruit are brightly colored while those that are not ready-toeat remain drably colored T aking this idea even further, one may ask: Why is the potato so drably colored? This, in fact, gives even greater depth to '?’??s world of fruits and vegetables. Just as the ready-to-eat fruits are brightly colored in order to encourage eaters to eat and enjoy them, so too, the not-ready-to-eat fruits do not have attractive colors. The potato, onion, and cabbage do not tempt us to eat them and suffer the consequences with stomach cramps. The plain appearance of these vegetables teaches and trains us to have patience as they cause us to wait longer in order for them to be prepared and fit to eat. Big fruit, such as the watermelon, cantaloupe, and pineapple, are groupsized fruit and cannot be eaten right away B ut wait: the watermelon is not brightlycolored although it is ready to eat?! Only the ready-to-eat fruits that are “one-person” sized are colored brightly. However, the big fruits, such as the watermelon, cantaloupe, and pineapple, although delicious and ready-toeat, do no tempt us to eat them immediately since then the rest of the fruit would go to waste! These large fruit are intended for large groups of people, therefore, their plain colors urges our patience until there is a large enough group to eat the entire fruit. 13