MEDITATION Help Relieve Anxiety & Calm the Mind MEDITATION Help Relieve Anxiety _ Calm the Mind (1 | Page 4
The problem was that once I became more and
more anxious, it was harder for me to do some
type of exercise because that would actually
make my anxiety worse.
We put me into panic attacks and that was just bad news. So what I come
today is to explain the benefits of a meditation for anxiety and a little bit of
motivation to help you to give it a try five minutes a day, two minutes a day,
something just to get you started because I know you can do this too. So
what are the benefits of using meditation as a way to help relieve anxiety?
Well, first I'm going to give you the basic one. Everybody should know it
quiets the mind. There's so
much mind chatter going on
throughout the day. You have
so many things going on. It's
good to take a step back and
quiet that chatter just for a
little bit, whether it's guided
meditation or meditation on
your own.