Medilink North of England News 2019 Medilink NOE News 2019 | Page 6

EXPERT VIEW EXPERT VIEW DR FRAZER BYE PATENT ATTORNEY HGF LTD JEREMY THOMSON COOK BREXIT – BUSINESS AS USUAL FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Intellectual property rights provide a glimmer of certainty in the Brexit debate. Brexit, for the moment, will not affect any intellectual property right regardless of whether it is a trade mark, patent, or design in the UK or abroad. UK rights (patents, trade marks, and designs) are just that, local UK rights which fall outside of the jurisdiction of the European Union, and do not afford rights in other European Union member states. These rights are unaffected by Brexit. European patent applications are also unaffected by Brexit. The European Patent Office which deals with these rights is independent of the European Union and governed by a separate treaty, the European Patent Convention. The European Patent Office is outside the governance of the European Union (it is not an institution of the EU), much like the European Space Agency or Eurovision. UK nationals are, and will remain, able to apply for, prosecute, and enforce rights arising from European patent applications in the UK and in any state contracting to the European Patent Convention. While the UK remains a member of the European Union or enters a transition period as part of an agreed deal, EU registered trade marks and Community registered designs stay in force and continue to extend to the UK and European Union member states. Once this position changes, EU registered trade marks and Community registered designs will continue to extend to the member states of the European Union, but no longer to the UK. Any new EU trade mark or Community design application made after the date of the UK’s departure will not extend protection to the UK if granted and separate UK specific rights will need to be considered. Once the UK departs from the EU, UK national rights and European patent applications are unaffected. EU trade marks and Community registered designs will be cloned in the UK, and new filings in future may require a separate UK specific right. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the impact of Brexit on your intellectual property rights, you should contact your intellectual property advisor who will be able to assess your situation and provide an appropriately tailored Brexit strategy. HGF are a corporate partner of Medilink North of England. Learn more at 6 CHIEF ECONOMIST WORLDFIRST BREXIT- IT’S STILL COMING... Perhaps three words have come to define the Brexit process to this point more than any others: “nothing has changed”. How often have we heard those words – from all sides – time and again after every new plan, debate, vote or meeting? And whilst it’s easy, and fair, to conclude that we’re effectively in the same position as we were on March 29th 2017 when Article 50 was invoked, the delay does give businesses more time to make adequate no-deal preparations on five key questions: ǩ3ULFLQJǞKRZZLOOFKDQJHVLQWDULIIVRUVXSSO\FKDLQ costs impact your prices? ǩ5HJXODWLRQǞZKDWLVWKHLPSDFWRQ\RXUEXVLQHVVRI losing some or all regulatory cover? ǩ/RJLVWLFVǞKRZZLOO\RXUSURGXFWEHLPSDFWHGE\ delays in your product’s journey? ǩ)LQDQFHǞDUHWKHUHFRQWLQJHQF\SODQVIRUDODFNRI near-term liquidity? ǩ&XUUHQF\KHGJLQJǞKRZZRXOG\RXEHLPSDFWHGLIIRU example, sterling rises or falls 10%? We see these as the five biggest questions that all businesses – especially those trading overseas – should be asking themselves and planning for. If you hadn’t planned around these for the March 29th deadline then you now have until October 31st to make the necessary preparations. Be Prepared With this latest delay, the best way to prepare is to pretend that we are back in October 2018; with 6 months to travel before the end of the original Article 50 period. Ask yourself these questions: ǩ+DYH\RXORFNHGLQ\RXUSULFLQJ" ǩ$UH\RXRQERDUGZLWKDQ\UHJXODWRU\FKDQJHVWKDW non-EU members have to abide by that you don’t have to currently? ǩ&DQ\RXUHO\RQ\RXUFXUUHQWGHOLYHU\DQGIXOȌOPHQW channels? ǩ+DYH\RXPDGHVXUHWKDWFRQWLQJHQF\IXQGLQJ arrangements are in place? ǩ$UH\RXUFXUUHQF\OLDELOLWLHVKHGJHGDWDOHYHOWKDW allows you to maintain a working profit margin on your goods? If the answer to any of these are ‘no’ or ‘not sure’ then some further preparation may be needed. Don’t let the delay fool you, Brexit is still coming. WorldFirst are a corporate partner of Medilink North of England. Learn more at