Medidas de Gestao das Pescarias Marinhas e Aquicultura 2019 The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 | Page 184

PART 4 OUTLOOK AND EMERGING ISSUES FIGURE 45 BLUE GROWTH FRAMEWORK: HOW THE THREE BROAD PHASES OF THE BLUE GROWTH INITIATIVE CONTRIBUTE TO THE THREE PILLARS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PILLARS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL BLUE GROWTH INITIATIVE MAINSTREAMING TRANSFORMATIONAL INTERVENTIONS – OUTPUTS AND OUTCOMES SOCIAL BLUE FORUM/BLUE TRADE BLUE PRODUCTION BLUE COMMUNITIES ENABLING CONDITIONS LEGISLATION AND POLICY FRAMEWORKS PRIVATE AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS INCENTIVES – TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE AND AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT with the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995) and with the ecosystem approach to fisheries and to aquaculture, on which the initiative is based. It seeks to enhance the impacts of these g uiding instruments through efficient use of limited resources, reduced carbon footprints, increased employment and decent working conditions. If the first two phases are effectively implemented, then mainstreaming will progress naturally as policy-makers, communities and the private sector recognize its economic and social benefits, such as improved market access, profitabilit y and decent work opportunities for youth and women, and ultimately seek to embed blue growth in sector development. The Blue Growth Initiative incorporates three main t ypes of action based on a theor y of change (Figure 45): „ „ enabling: putting in place the relevant conditions (e.g. legislation and sound financial incentives), capacit y development and social mobilization; „ „ transforming: implementing demonstration or pilot projects to identif y the most appropriate inter ventions and capture lessons; „ „ mainstreaming: scaling up and embedding appropriate policies, practices, incentives and technologies into public programmes and private-sector operations. The Blue Growth Framework can help to identif y the connections among proposed inter ventions for blue growth, the necessar y conditions for progress and the potential impacts (positive and negative) on the natural capital, as well as opportunities and limitations, for better- informed decisions on investments, policies and management measures. Key activities include promoting best practices based on the ecosystem approach to fisheries and to aquaculture and encompassing all stakeholders along the value chain, as well as promoting reductions in food loss and waste, energ y efficiencies and innovation. This new approach is expected to | 168 |