Medidas de Gestao das Pescarias Marinhas e Aquicultura 2019 The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 | Page 151

THE STATE OF WORLD FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE 2018 TABLE 21 EXAMPLES OF ADAPTATION OPTIONS FOR FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE Type of intervention Examples Institutions and management Public policies Considering fisheries and aquaculture in regional, national and local adaptation policies and plans Building political support for management change Cross-sectoral coordination and regulation Legal matters Mechanisms for protecting tenure and access rights Institutional design/set-up Building capacity of institutions to integrate research, management and policy Encouraging partnership between science and policy institutions so that research is developed at relevant scales for decision-making Enhanced institutional cooperation agreement(s) among countries to enhance the capacity of fleets to move across national boundaries in response to change in species distribution Planning and management Implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries and to aquaculture Integrated coastal zone (ICZ) management Flexible seasonal rights Redistribution of rights among neighbouring municipalities to share responsibilities Risk-based zoning and siting through risk analysis Temporal and spatial planning to permit stock recovery during periods when climate is favourable Transboundary stock management to take into account changes in distribution Aquaculture area management plans to minimize climate-related risks Livelihoods Within sector Diversification of patterns of fishing or fish farming activities with respect to the species exploited, location of fishing grounds or farms and gear used Improvement or change in post-harvest techniques/practices and storage Improvement in product quality: ecolabelling, reduction of post-harvest losses Investment in aquaculture (e.g. mud crab, seaweed, fish cages) Diversification of markets and fish products, access to higher-value markets Outside sector Livelihood diversification (e.g. switching among rice farming, tree crop farming and fishing in response to seasonal and interannual variations in fish availability) Resilience/risk Early warning Early warning communication and response system Monitoring trends Information to anticipate price/market variability Extreme weather forecasting Pooling/risk sharing (or transfer) Risk insurance, savings, credit, social protection Prevention Aquaculture zoning and area management Safety at sea and vessel stability Effective management of natural barriers to provide a natural first line of protection from storm surges and flooding Coastal zone management permitting movement of fish along with sea level rise Social safety nets for the most vulnerable Preparedness and response Documenting and disseminating best practices in the sector Guidebooks and training package on disaster needs assessment and response in the sector Sharing of property and risks among community members Insurance provision Activities aimed at strengthening social cohesion | 135 |