MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 54

Gen Z English Skills for the 21 st Century Digital Content Creator Task We have all staycationed this year and have spent time discovering what our beautiful island has to offer. Hopefully you are making the most of TY downtime and you are exploring our beautiful county and country with your friends and family. As budding media writers, use your critical thinking skills to review your top 2-3 favourite places or attractions that you have visited this year. Your brief is to create an informative blog post aimed at MEC students for our school website and Facebook page. We want you to persuade and inform our 2,000 strong followers to visit your chosen places/attraction(s) during our school midterms/breaks. FYI, your class teacher will select some of the blog posts for scheduled posts on our Facebook pages. (Please note: we will seek permission first and we won’t publish your name if you don’t wish for it be included!) Content Brief: * Inform and persuade readers to visit 1-2 Irish destinations/attractions of your choice. E.g. Kildare – Donadea forest park + Clonfert Pet Farm OR Wexford – Curracloe Beach + National Heritage Park etc. * Use the language of information – general knowledge, facts, statistics, numeracy figures e.g. admission fees, km distance drive/train/ bus, etc. * Use a variety of language techniques e.g. humour, persuasive language – triads, inclusive ‘we’, personal anecdotes, descriptive language - imagery etc. * Personal opinion and use of ‘I’ voice (first person narrative) 54