MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 52

TY English Portfolio Activity: Create an online news article OR online editorial article on ONE of the topics listed below. * The US Elections * Black Lives Matter * Climate Change and action accelerated * The latest on a Covid vaccine * A local news issue * A trending news story this week * An education issue * Our new school build * MEC Christmas Box appeal * Any ‘good news’ story! (see @Goodnews_movement on Instagram for inspiration. Content: q The language of information and 1- 2 other language styles (see pg. 153 ) q A variety of language techniques e.g. facts, statistics, anecdotes, imagery, humour, hyperbole, triad, repetition, metaphor, allusion, simile, onomatopoeia, alliteration, etc. q Direct quotations (real or imaginary) Stylesheet: q Headline q Subheading q Photo (Stock or Google images or your own original photo) q Columns, paragraphs and white space q By line q Social media handles q Publish date, time and view counts q Appealing and visual layout (aesthetic) 52