MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 40

Article Writing: ‘The Observer’ Newspaper Editorial View on the killing of George Floyd Language and Structural Read top of Pg. 26 before you begin to read below Analysis __________________________ There is a dreadful familiarity about the killing of an __________________________ __________________________ unarmed black man, George Floyd, by white police __________________________ officers in Minneapolis last Monday. Floyd’s final __________________________ __________________________ moments were videoed from a bystander’s phone. He __________________________ __________________________ repeatedly pleads for mercy. His last words, “I can’t __________________________ breathe”, have become a rallying cry for often violent __________________________ __________________________ protests that have since shaken cities across America. __________________________ __________________________ The fact that the US has been here before, countless, __________________________ __________________________ countless times, does not lessen the horror of this crime __________________________ nor mitigate brutal police actions. Quite the opposite. It’s __________________________ right that all four officers involved have been sacked. One, who kept his knee pressed on the handcuffed Floyd’s windpipe for several minutes even though he plainly did not pose a threat, has been charged with murder. The widespread fury that this killing has aroused is not unprecedented. Similar eruptions followed highprofile police killings of black men, including Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in New York City, both in 2014. Nearly 30 years ago, rioting in Los Angeles sparked by the police beating of Rodney King left 63 people dead. All the same, why does this latest incident feel dangerously different? For three reasons. One is the sense that increasingly militarised US police forces, Comments on article’s tone and cyclical structure ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ which often appear remote from and antagonistic to the communities they serve, 40