MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 174

Language of Description / Narration [Descriptive Writing and Narrative Writing] What is it? Narrative language tells a story. Descriptive language paints a picture using words. Examples: Novels, short stories, memoirs and diary entries narrate. Travel writing, personal essays and feature articles or blogs can describe. Layout: All stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. Hemmingway’s six word short story “For sale, baby shoes, never worn” has all the ingredients of a compelling story: ü Set the scene, rousing the reader’s curiosity (for sale) ü Draw the reader into the action emotionally (baby shoes) ü Finish with an unexpected development (never worn) Obviously you need a more fully developed plot, setting and characters for a 1,000 word short story. Descriptive essays are less demanding because they do not require a plot, but they too must draw the reader in emotionally to what is being described. Style: To write descriptively, you must choose specific verbs. Rather than writing “Susan walks over and says she’s really excited” select verbs which add energy and movement: “Susan bounces over, squealing with excitement”. 174