MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 164

Connotations Imagery Personal Anecdote: The connotation is the emotional meaning associated with the word. Example: 'Climate change issue' vs. ‘Climate Change crisis' To paint a vivid image via descriptive writing or sensory writing e.g. vivid imagery, aural imagery. Short story personalises general point you want to make. Figurative Language Hyperbole It is simply out of this world – stunning! Imperative Command - Emotive Language Statistics and figures Allusion Use of alliteration, plosive alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, oxymoron, sibilance, metaphor and simile can paint a word picture for audience, making the point visually and by comparison, or appeal to emotions. They can also make the author appear sophisticated or well spoken. The use of hyperbole emphasies points by exaggerating. lt can be used to mock opposing opinions, as a shock tactics technique, or an appeal to fears. E.g. Those who support this ridiculous idea would have us believe that it will dramatically improve the quality of life for modern living. Of course it will! And it will probably bring about world peace, stop pollution, and make the trains run on time! Instructional language. Get on board and join us! Language intended to create an emotional response. A heart-breaking aroma of death filled the air as he surveyed the devastation and destruction that had befallen them all. Factual data used in a persuasive way. 80% of people agreed that this would change their community for the better. A figure of speech that references a person, place, thing, or event. According to ‘The Irish Times’, The Central Statics Office, The, An RTE Radio 1 survey, A ‘Newstalk’ survey ‘The Irish Independent’, The UN, ‘The Farmer’s Journal , The Dept. of Education, As referenced by David Attenborough’s ‘Our Planet’, ‘in the past 50 years’ wildlife populations have declined rightly 60%’ Greta Thunberg the Swedish political activist recently stated, ‘ … On The Food Medic’s latest podcast she admitted that, ‘anxiety… 164