MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 162

Descriptive Writing Checklist (For a Short Story) • Central character (Protagonist) (2-3 minor characters – Antagonist) • Descriptive, vivid setting • Well-rounded plotline • Direct and indirect dialogue • Written in 1 st /3 rd person narrative • Cultural and time era references • Appropriate language (formal/informal slang and colloquial, native) Descriptive Writing Sensory language (5 senses) sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing Onomatopoeia (sound) . . Tick as used Vivid and descriptive imagery Colour (Crayola colours) Azure blue eyes etc. Adjectives and adverbs (action words and descriptive words) Explicit and implicit feelings - Emotions Obvious cultural and time era references: use of allusion e.g. pop music, fashion, trends, news events, sports celebs, politicians – name drop etc. Appropriate language (formal/informal slang and colloquial, native) A variety of figurative language: Dialogue - direct or indirect He then froze, “yes”, he mumbled. Simile Metaphor Personification Variation in Punctuation: ! … ( ) ; . - , Variable sentence length - long and short 162