MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 155

Why teenage boys are told not to feel, and why that's so wrong By Irish Author Dave Rudden I’m lucky enough to be able to say that words are my job. I’ve loved them since I was a kid – the sheer power of the right phrase in the right place. There’s a magic to them – these simple sounds that can cause fights, mend friendships, inspire armies and create monsters. A well-chosen word is a weapon, and the wrong word can work its way like a splinter into your head so you never forget it, no matter how hard you try. Weak. Cry-baby. Soft. Gay. Girl. Loser. Freak. Not a real man. I was bullied as a teenager. I don’t say this with any shame, because it’s been 10 years and I’ve made my peace with it, and also because 43% of the UK’s young people are going through it right now. It’s your story as well, or a story you see out of the corner of your eye every lunch break. And for most of us, for a long time, it will be a story of silence. BE A MAN. We learn that on the playground and we have to learn it quick, because if we don’t the next lesson has knuckles attached. I’ve never been good at not having feelings, to be honest. Things affect me. I worry. I care. I get invested in causes and people and books. I have so many emotions I had to invent fictional people to put them in, and because I think about words so much… I wonder when BEING A MAN meant shutting up and toeing the line. I wonder when the Council of the Rules of Men (not a real thing) got together and decided that open meant weak and that bottling things up was better. That’s not how science works (and that is, at base, what feelings are – chemicals reacting in your brain, as natural and human as the beating of a heart) They don’t go anywhere just because you pretend they have. Is lying to yourself strength? I kept quiet for years, because I thought that was the way to make the bullying stop. I was quiet for years after the bullying did stop, because in order to survive I convinced myself not talking about it meant it wasn’t real, because if it was real I’d talk about it. 155