MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 119

Visual Aid Activity: Draw the poem in a visual format. You can do this breaking the poem up into storyboards. Then compare your storyboard with the person beside you. See how they compare and contrast. A Disused Shed in Co. Wexford BY DEREK MAHON Even now there are places where a thought might grow — Peruvian mines, worked out and abandoned To a slow clock of condensation, An echo trapped for ever, and a flutter Of wildflowers in the lift-shaft, Indian compounds where the wind dances And a door bangs with diminished confidence, Lime crevices behind rippling rain barrels, Dog corners for bone burials; And in a disused shed in Co. Wexford, Deep in the grounds of a burnt-out hotel, Among the bathtubs and the washbasins A thousand mushrooms crowd to a keyhole. This is the one star in their firmament Or frames a star within a star. What should they do there but desire? 119