'MEC Press' March School News Publication 2020 | Page 18
New Languages at MEC
Classes for students of Russian and Polish are now running after school on Wednesdays and
Fridays. The classes cater for:
• Students preparing for Leaving Certificate exams in these languages
• Students wishing to improve their language skills and learn more about the
culture of these countries.
• In the case of Russian, students who wish to start learning Russian.
We are planning to introduce Romanian classes from September 2020.
Contact Ms. English for further details.
SEAI onegoodidea Team
Well done to the schools SEAI onegoodidea team "The Upcyclers" who made it to the
regional final.
The team, made up of Nell Mescal, Eabha
Cahill, Ella Hayes, Deirdre Millett, Adam
Dunne, Conor Whyte and Conor
McBrearty but a lot of work into their
efforts over the last few months making a
promotional video and other promotional
materials, a digital "50 good upcycle
ideas" booklet and a mosaic of the school
crest using bottle caps.
The team represented M.E.C at the
regional final in Omniplex Rathmines last
Thursday, 27th of February and they did
the school proud.