'MEC Press' March School News Publication 2020 | Page 16

The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS Programme) By TY Ruairí Coakley The EPAS programme began last September for several TY students. The programme is overseen by Ms. English, and it aims to educate the students about the history, goals, and ideals of the European Union. As part of the programme, the students researched the EU and discussed different events that had transpired in the EU each week. They learned the differences between the European Parliament, Commission, and Council, as well as which roles they play in the EU. On November 28th, the EPAS class was brought to the European Commission Health & Food Audits & Analysis building in Meath. While there, auditors explained the rules and regulations the EU has in place for medical equipment, eggs, pork and coffee beans. They showed the class presentations on how the EU deals with issues such as large-scale egg production, conditions in pig farms, and other, similar, situations. The trip was very informative for every student involved. The EPAS class continued to meet and discuss the EU, and on Thursday the 27th of February, four students were invited to attend and spectate the EU Model Council Debate in Dublin Castle. The debate consisted of 27 teams of three students from schools all over Ireland, with each team representing an EU country. The topic discussed was the EU’s Green Deal. The EPAS students who attended all had a wonderful time and found each argument in the debate reasonable and well discussed. The EPAS programme has informed the students of many vital and important aspects of the EU, such as how the Parliament is elected, how the Commission is appointed, what the Solidarity Corps is, and the history and recipients of the EU’s Sakharov Prize. With the EPAS programme winding down, all the students who participated have been preparing for the Awards Ceremony coming up, which will mark the end of this year’s programme. The EPAS students in the European Commission Health & Food Audits & Analysis building in Meath, November 28 th .