Meatballs with Squid Brunches #03 | Página 3

Utensils Ingredients step 01 Avocado Basil Garlic Vinegar Salt & Pepper Bowl Knife Prepare garnish: · Avocado: Set aside half of avocado provided. Chop remaining half/s. · Basil: rinse, remove stems, and mince. · Garlic: remove ends, peel and mince. In a bowl, combine above ingredients with balsamic vinegar, a dash of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Set aside and allow flavors to marinate. Ingredients Utensils step 02 Bacon Skillet Prepare bacon: Heat a large skillet on medium-low heat for 1 minute. Add bacon and cook until browned and slightly crispy, about 10 minutes. 03