Measuring market orientation of Muscle Pharm Corp. (MSLP:US) REAL LIFECASE STUDY – REACHING NEW HEIGHTS | Page 18

Reaching new heights - Open source software application SabreSonicĀ® Res. 6. Do not make short-sighted decisions that are brought on by arrogance or time pressure. 7. Create an environment that enables the developer of SabreSonic Res to perform well, to innovate and to encourage other people to improve the SabreSonic Res OSS solution on a consistent basis. 8. Assess potential threats and risks by running SabreSonic Res on a regular basis in order to immediately address any problems do not affect customer satisfaction seriously. 9. Quality before speed. Management should be aware of that quality (functionality) is more important than speed. Once the integration is completed smoothly, the team can focus on improving the speed and existing performance. 10. Communication and sharing of ideas: It is crucial that Beverly Goulet and her management team communicate their objectives clearly and set realistic goals to all involved parties. On the other hand, the technical experts need to report potential problems early and share ideas with management. The management team for the American Airline group have selected SabreSonic Res because it poses the least risk exposure, since the Sabre platform is currently used by both airlines. The management team have adopted a software solution that poses the least risk to their operations while achieving the strategic goal of enabling the systems integration for the merger. We have two sets of recommendations: change management and clear system failure protocol. Change management impediments that emerge are more likely to be a bigger obstacle to a successful merger, than the technology. Hence we would recommend investing substantially into ensuring that proper change management occurs with the merger. Even a momentary systems failure would have terrible financial consequences on an airlineā€™s operations. Therefore management would be prudent to treat operational systems failure as a certainty, rather than a probable occurrence and put in place an alternative systems protocol for their operations. We are confident that considering the lessons learnt and recommendations will enable management to meet the defined project success criteria. 17