Measuring market orientation of Muscle Pharm Corp. (MSLP:US) REAL LIFECASE STUDY – REACHING NEW HEIGHTS | Page 17

Reaching new heights - Open source software application SabreSonic® Res.  Financial (Risk) – There is considerable risk of financial exposure if the implementation of SabreSonic Res does not proceed according to expectations. As highlighted earlier, there are significant switching costs. Moreover, information systems are fundamental to the daily operations of the airline and this too would have financial consequences.  Operational (Risk) – Information systems are a core part of an airline’s daily operations and there is, therefore, extensive exposure to operational risk. They simply cannot fail. Contingency systems need to be available in case of failure.  Strategic (Risk) – The inability to operate from a single operating platform could have a strategic impact on the success of the merger. However, it is still possible to revert to parallel systems on the same SABRE ERP/CRS platform. This would be a sub-optimal solution to mitigate strategic risk. 6. Final Recommendations and Conclusion Based on the evaluation of the lessons learnt, identification of the key success factors of OSS airline reservation booking system implementation and identified risks, we have the following recommendations for Beverly Goulet (CIO) and her management team: 1. Ensure a smooth or step by step transition in integrating the two reservation booking systems into a single SABRE Sonic Res. However, for crucial steps of the switching process, consider hours or days where booking activity is traditionally low. 2. Successful implementation is brought about when key people are retained. Therefore, the IT team should not be cut and management should make an effort to retain key people despite the difficulties and challenges the merger will bring. 3. Use best-practices and procedures from both airlines and share past experience and knowledge. 4. Keep the customers in mind, adopt and amend only the things which work best for most customers. This can be ensured by conducting online surveys after a reservation or by identifying what customers are generally looking for in e-commerce or bookings. 5. Adopting the larger airline’s technology infrastructure, since Beverly Goulet has already taken charge of this aspect, one of the most important points in the implementation of the new SabreSonic Res has been addressed. 16