Measuring market orientation of Muscle Pharm Corp. (MSLP:US) British American Tobacco South Africa | Page 14

British American Tobacco South Africa: Evaluating the role and substance of its strategy in achieving sustainable competitive advantage 4. Recommendations for strategic future of enterprise Based on the strategic pillars and to support new growth for BATSA – I have following recommendations:  Expansion of Heidelberg: Having a market share of more than 80%, considering the display and marketing bans, further market penetration should not be considered. However, due to the success of the Heidelberg factory BATSA should invest in its current operation in order to increase sales, marketing and distribution and last but not least, create supply for export markets within Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Nigeria). This may lead to the realisation of the plant becoming a new hub for producing the next generation products for Africa.  Gain leadership of the non-flammable space within the industry: As rising health issues forcing BAT to innovate in non-flammable products, BATSA should follow the trend that is occurring in Europe and the US and starting to market the e-cigarette that can generate higher profit margins than the traditional business.  Addressing the threat of illicit trade through key product traits and strong brands: BATSA should partner even more closely with governments and law enforcement agencies to minimize illegal tobacco trade. Other organisations such as Interpol and the FBI might also support the issues since they have found out that among some cases in illegal tobacco trading, are linked to money laundering, drugs, human trafficking and fund terrorist activites (BATSA, 2013)  Innovation: Creating new growth through introduction of new innovative products outside of Africa but also within South Africa: Growing segments BATSA should consider are additive free products and capsules.