MDS Messenger Volume 13, Issue 9

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MDS Messenger

EC Lower School Junior High

December 13, 2013

Volume 13, Issue 9

Parshat Vayechi 4:12 pm

Yachad Shabbaton 2013

by Talia Leitner and Temima Yellin, 8G

November1 1, 2013

Parshat Vayera 5:54 pm

continued on page

Making new friends, eating meals together, playing games and going to shul together were just some of the highlights of the Yachad Shabbaton. On Friday night, we got dressed up for Shabbat and met everyone for the first time at The Jewish Center. We had so much fun davening, playing games, sitting next to each other at dinner, singing and dancing. The next morning, we met again at MDS ready for a fun-filled day. After lunch, we "took over" Riverside Park. It was so mucjh fun hanigng out with everyone there. When we got back to school, we davened Mincha and ate Seudah Shlishit. We davened Ma'ariv, heard Havdallah, and went down to the gym where we danced and listened to Rabbi Levy and Rabbi Litton sing. A Melava Malka with pizza and ice cream was the perfect way to end our Shabbaton. The hardest part was saying goodbye to our new friends. We hope to stay in touch! The Shabbaton was a great experience for the Yachad members, the 8th grade and the staff.