MDS Messenger Volume 13, Issue 19 | Page 10

Eighth Graders Attend AIPAC Conference

by Gabrielle Posner and Talia Gerber, 8G

On March 2nd, 14,000 Israel supporters gathered in Washington, D.C. for the 22nd annual AIPAC Conference. AIPAC, American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, strengthens the relationship between the U.S. and Israel. AIPAC brings thousands of pro-Israel activists together to secure Israel by making sure that Iran does not gain access to any nuclear weapons.

Gabrielle Posner and Talia Gerber (8G) traveled to the 2014 AIPAC Conference and listened to Prime Minister Netanyahu speak about the strong bond that the U.S. and Israel have and should continue to have. He also mentioned that one of the largest threats to Israel is a nuclear armed Iran. We also heard John Kerry, Secretary of State, speak about the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. Bob Cohen, the President of AIPAC, spoke, along with John McCain. We gained knowledge about the Israeli conflicts that are putting our homeland at risk. We also learned about our country's advancement in technology, like the Ohr Cam, which is a device that helps guide the blind.

All in all, we saw thousands of people, Jewish or Christian, come together to help support our country and it was one of the greatest experiences ever.