McKay Class Anthology volume 1 | Page 16

Lost love left to collect dust is the root of what the artist wants the audience to take from the song in detail. She also wants to articulate how history is written in a way that is said from a specific point of view from someone that might have had a great hold and impact on how things are translated to future generations. When Regina mentioned “The bible never mentioned us, not even once” that was her way of suggesting that the Bible only offers a certain amount of facts and truths to the story. The big picture, perse. That it would never mention how Delilah truly loved Samson despite the fact that she went along with the Philistine’s plan to strip him of his strength. Or that Regina’s lover was suffering from a life threatening illness, and that she would never write that on any sheet of paper word for word to the public in order to protect her privacy as a modern popular singer in the 21st century.

“I cut his hair myself one night, a pair of dull scissors in the yellow light” This adds to the imagery of Delilah having been put to the task of stripping someone away of their ability to be their own person. Like with Samson, Regina’s lover also went through the same thing when she took it upon her hands to shave his hair off like any cancer patient would after a period of time. Chemotherapy and radiation causes the hair to fall out, and so it was only necessary for Regina to be the one to do it for moral and emotional support. In Delilah’s case, no one really knows how she felt about having been the one to get the job done, and the Bible fails to mention her personal thoughts on the matter as well (Bible, 1973), but there is a high chance that Delilah returned Samson’s affections genuinely after having spent so many nights with him.

When the artist wrote “and he told me that I’d done alright… kissed me til the morning light” it indicates the mutual understanding that existed between the two. After the deed was done, Samson was not angry at Delilah and didn’t in fact release his anger on her. The funny thing was, he didn’t even realize Delilah had committed the crime until it was too late. The same can be said about having received the news in relation to cancer. How it just creeps in without notice or warning, and leaves a huge impact on the ones this travesty is being brought upon. It also mentioned how the color “red” is being signified as something beautiful, like Delilah or Regina’s had been in the song, “Told me that my hair was red”. Red is the very color of blood, and could be foreshadowing death in the lives of both Samson and Regina’s lover. By saying that someone with red hair is beautiful, despite red symbolizing Satan or the color of sexual desire and greed (Rosalind, 2013). It could also just be a mere definition of love and how a person might overlook certain faults and seemingly bad characteristics just to prove that love will prevail.


Samson's Tragedy
