May Spotlight | Page 10

10 - May - 2022 www . wsca . org From the Committees
Procedures : Sandy Strube / Sara Schwartz Move discussion to next meeting .

Meeting Minutes

Publicity : Lori Taylor : The Royalty Court reported that the Royalty showbill is ready , and the show is coming up in 2 months . The Royalty clinic is this Sunday . Expo is coming up and the Royalty Court will be setting up on Wednesday and there through Saturday . Emily reached out to the lady that puts on the rodeos at EXPO , and there will be a showcase on Thursday night where the Royalty Court will be introduced . Also , they will be introduced prior to the rodeos on Friday night and Saturday night . The last event was Arena Trailer Sales and went very well . Emily spoke to their social media person she will be taking pictures of the Royalty Court at upcoming events with the trailer . The Royalty Court received their buckles .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns Absent . The WSCA Royalty clinic is this coming Sunday , and it will be held at the American Legion in Chaska . Currently working on preparing and printing material for the guests . If anyone has a Queen from their saddle club that might be interested in the WSCA Royalty Contest , please reach out to Bridget .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd New Rule Books are done . Changed the font size for easier reading . Cindy shared pages from the first Rule Book .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Nothing to report .
Scholarship : Julie Gintner Have not yet received any scholarships . The applications must be postmarked by May 2 nd .
Spotlight : James Duenow Working on updating the website with Anthony and Rachel . The Spotlight was sent out to 5100 people . On the first day the Spotlight was sent out , 41 % opened the Spotlight . 58 % opened the front page of ads , 24 % opened the ads in the Spotlight . 48.5 % of the subscribers went through the whole Spotlight . Ad revenue is increasing due to the volume of views of the Spotlight . Advertising now costs less , so we are getting more showbills for the Spotlight .
Old Business : To table discussion regarding Sara Gronski until the April 24 th meeting , until we have input from Judges Chair . Motion made by Steve Bobzin , seconded by Steve Tibbetts to table discussion regarding Sara Gronski until April 24th . Motion carried unanimously .
New Business :
Ann received information regarding digitizing and storing records . Advance Records Management in Plymouth will charge $ 230 to digitize one banker box . They charge $ 50 per month to store up to 130 banker boxes .
Request permission for WSCF to use WSCA ’ s timer for the May Fundraiser Show . Motion made by Julie Gintner , seconded by Andrea Monicken to grant permission for WSCF to use WSCA ’ s timer for the May Fundraiser Show . Motion carried unanimously .
Regarding the WSCF fundraiser show , James has about 3 days left to put the show on the entry system . The Sponsorships are going well and still looking for additional sponsors . The sponsorship form is on the Facebook page . Close to getting the showbill out and the Judges are hired . The show dates are May 21 st and May 22 nd .
Adjournment :
Motion made by Ann Goebel , seconded by Julie Gintner to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 PM . Motion carried unanimously .
Next Board Meeting : April 24 , 2022 Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Board Meeting Minutes , April 6th , 2022 Submitted by Leslie Mason , WSCA Executive Secretary