May/June 2018 | Page 9

G ove r n men t Re lat ions On April 10, Dr. Jim Boyle and members of PDA’s Government Relations Committee (GRC) presented the Kay Thompson Outstanding Legislator award to Sen. John Eichelberger (R-Blair, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Cumberland) for having sponsored SB 373, PDA’s assignment of benefits legislation. Sen. Eichelberger was instrumental in spearheading SB 373 through the Senate Banking and Insurance and Appropriations Committees, to the full Senate for a vote in January. PDA is grateful for his support of the dental community and commitment to improving access to dental care for all Pennsylvanians. ability to choose their dentist, regardless of the dentist’s participation with their insurance plan. Members educated lawmakers about how SB 373 will improve access to dental care, particularly for those residing in rural areas and for children whose parents are divorced or separated. Dr. Darleen Oleski, Dr. Jim Boyle, State Sen. John Eichelberger, Dr. Craig Eisenhart and Peg Callahan-Kuskin. GRC members took this opportunity at the state Capitol to host a breakfast for policy leaders in the House of Representatives, educating them about the need to pass SB 373 this session. These leaders decide which bills are placed on the legislative calendar for votes, and their support is necessary to move SB 373 through the House Insurance and Appropriations Committees. Afterward, the GRC members lobbied other lawmakers in the House of Representatives about how SB 373 gives patients the PDA members hosted a breakfast for leaders in the House of Representatives to discuss SB 373. This small group of dedicated volunteers is working hard to advocate for all dentists and patients. But they need your help. Please respond to PDA’s action alerts, sent via email, in a timely manner. Though the legislature is soon adjourned for the summer, we expect to send more action alerts on SB 373 in the fall. Many legislators will vote on the premise of whether or not they heard from dentists in their districts. They will have heard from the insurance industry lobbyists. Please take a few minutes to send an email or make a phone call to your Representative requesting support for SB 373. SB 373: Assignment of Benefits On January 22, the Senate of Pennsylvania passed SB 373, PDA’s legislation requiring insurers to assign benefits, on patient’s request, to non-participating dentists. SB 373 moved to the House Insurance Committee in the House of Representatives. From there, it will move to the Appropriations Committee to the House floor for a vote. Assignment of benefits legislation is PDA’s top priority this legislative session. PDA’s lobbyist, staff and volunteer leaders drafted the legislation, found sponsors to introduce bills in both the House of Representatives and Senate, and spearheaded negotiations in both chambers to garner enough support for legislative leaders to begin moving the bill through the Senate. We are optimistic that the House of Representatives will pass SB 373 before the end of session in late fall. MAY/JU N E 2018 | P EN N SYLVAN IA DEN TAL JOURNAL 7