May/June 2018 | Page 10

G ove r n men t Re lat ions New Law Takes Effect in PA: Reporting to the State Board of Dentistry In February, Governor Wolf signed SB 354, now Act 6 of 2018, into law, putting in effect new requirements for licensees (including dentists and dental hygienists) of all boards within the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BPOA). Act 6 requires all licensees to report, in writing, the following disciplinary actions to the appropriate licensing board within 30 days: • Actions taken by a licensing agency in another state • A finding or verdict of guilt, an admission of guilt, a plea of nolo contendere, probation without verdict, a disposition in lieu of trial or an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition of any felony or misdemeanor offense (excluding drug or alcohol-related summary offenses) Licensing boards may pursue disciplinary action with licensees for failure to report. Act 6 also allows licensing boards the ability to temporarily suspend licenses if they determine a licensee poses an immediate and clear danger to the public’s health, safety and welfare. In these cases, boards must provide a written statement of all allegations against the licensee and take formal action to suspend, revoke or restrict the license. A preliminary hearing must take place within 30 days in order to determine if there is enough evidence to warrant the suspension. The temporary suspension will be lifted immediately if deemed unwarranted. Act 6 directs the BPOA Commissioner to consider a licensee’s request to expunge disciplinary records if the discipline was for a violation involving failure to complete continuing education requirements or practicing for six months or less on a lapsed license. The following criteria apply: 8 MAY/JU NE 2018 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR N A L