MAY 2024 Pawsitively Pets issue to publish online | Page 7

-- Spring Cats and Open Windows --

It ’ s finally really Spring . The kind of days that make you want to be outside in the fresh air and warm sun . Hector and Jasper , the bookshop cats , feel the same way . They are indoor / outdoor cats all year round , but in the winter , there are days that they do not venture out . This weather is perfect for sunning on the sidewalk or sleeping on the porch in the shade .
But they also love the open windows in the house . Jasper stretches his black and white body along the windows that face the porch . It ’ s perfect for seeing and hearing everything that is going on with the people on the porch and a safe place for a long nap with a cooling breeze . Hector likes that spot , too , but his favorite window is on the second floor with a view of the back yard . It ’ s more secluded and cooler in the late afternoon .
They are not the only cats who love open windows and lying next to screens . Most cats enjoy the combination of that box feeling , along with a perch to view the world . It ’ s the ultimate in cat comfort and feeling of safety . And as long as your screens are designed to protect them from falling out , it is a great place for your cat .
Here , the screens are secure . And my guys are not in a high rise overlooking pavement . For cats that live in apartment buildings or other multi-story structures , the screen is critical . There ’ s a term , “ high rise syndrome ,” when cats fall out of windows in tall buildings . It ’ s a threat to cats in warmer weather when people keep windows open to let fresh air in .
The best way to keep a cat safe in an open window is to make sure that your screens will hold them . There are many screen guards on the market , many designed for young children that will protect your lovely cat kids as they stretch out . Another safety and comfort feature is a perch on your windowsill , to make the area wider . Here , we replaced the sills on the big windows with wider oak planks . It looks perfect in this cottage style house and receives cat approval . But there are attachable sling hammocks and other easy to secure extenders .
There are also exterior window guards , if you have a cat that really pushes the screens out . My guys are not that type , but they can also go outside . A determined cat could push out an interior screen . To prevent a “ blowout ," a heavier exterior screen can be used . I use one on my patio door screen to keep cats from clawing the screen out , to moderate success . ( They do sometimes claw at the lower edge , especially when they are outside asking to come in .)
Finally , if high rise syndrome is a possibility where you live , please close your windows when you leave your home ( or only leave the windows open a crack too small for your cat to squeeze through ). Don ’ t let one of the chief cat delights of the season end in tragedy .
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , Writer , & Owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .


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Pawsitively Pets -- May 5